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An interactive phisical aim'n'shoot game for Cato Networks @ RSA Conference



An Interactive fun experience using a Hokuyo LiDAR to create a physics-based throw ball game where you knok out some old school network appliacnce. Exacly what CATO Networks aim to replace.

The Idea

Together with  Ran Nimri @ CATO Networks wwas fun to create a game that answers exactly what they aim to do. The creative behind the game was "If it's not a platform, shred it!"


CATO Networks is a SASE platform that when applied it makes all these old network appliances obsulite! So we used a LiDAR sensor to detect where people through the ball and activate the physicas engine to respond!


Below is the actual captured gameplay!


We had the two lobbies scanned so we can work on placing the art work and understanding size and space. It also helped a lot with measurements.

Client: CATO networks

Creative: Ran Nimri​​

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